You are engaged !! Now what ?

First and foremost, Bravo on the ENGAGEMENT! What an exhilarating time to revel in! This marks the kickoff of a splendid journey towards your wedding with your partner. But what's next?

Firstly, savor the moment! Bask in the celebrations, capture those champagne-popping, cheesy-with-your-partner snapshots—immerse yourself in the sheer bliss of it all.

Now, brace yourself for the 10,000 wedding-related inquiries. The curious Nancy's will be in full force, bombarding you with questions about dates, locations, and design ideas. But fear not! You're not obliged to have all the answers at this very moment. Take your sweet time, relish the present, and when you're ready, indulge in those conversations with your partner before enlightening the inquisitive minds.

And for those who've meticulously planned it all in their heads since the age of 15 (guilty as charged), a gentle reminder: things change, desires evolve, and yes, you change too. This juncture is a splendid time to acknowledge that marriage involves two, and decisions ought to mirror both parties. It's the inception of significant choices made as a team.

Above all, amidst the whirlwind, remember it's about the love you share. So, revel in this delightful phase and when the time is right, dive headfirst into the planning process—the next exhilarating chapter.


Gina xo

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